Wednesday, September 21, 2005

OMG NOT ANOTHER POST already lol, this is turning into a habit! I always say I will update my blog regularly and try not to overflow it with stuff I make, I have totally sucked on that, but hey I can only improve huh. Now that things have settled down after the funerals I am getting back to normal, death sucks but life does indeed go on. I am feeling very sad not all day every day but haivng periods of sadness and missing and grieving, which is normal, all part of the healing process. I saw so many rellies I had not seen for years at my uncles funeral which is very kewl and we are all gonna keep in touch (yeah right that remains to be seen - we are all slack lol) Phil and I can finally get the time to enjoy our new car, I can start going out and taking lots more photos. I DID IT - my uni application thingy ma jigy (qtac) has gone through, so now all I have to do is wait to see if I a) get an interview b) get accepted I really need to go out and take the photos for the folio I have to submit, that is something I am really looking forward to, thinking outside my box and trying new stuff for me at least, it can all only be good as it will be a great learning curve. I will be so bummed if I don't get in. Whats meant to be will be right! Also gonna try and get some more scrapping done now that things are settling, will see how I go with that in between desiging and taking lots n lots of photos. I really really have to fininsh off my sisters wedding album, god im so slow, if she is lucky she may just get it by xmas LOL I am really looking forward to restarting my Monday night scraps with Deb. Take care all. Trish


Blogger DebF said...

so glad all that is behind you, feeling sad is okay tho
back to normal? define 'normal' LOL
and oh me too me too! for Monday nites!

9/21/2005 10:03:00 pm

Blogger Amy Teets said...

So glad to see you again!

9/25/2005 09:53:00 am


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