Wednesday, July 13, 2005

A TEAR IN MY EYE - did this today at Dawn's impromptu scrap, used one of the kits from our That's Hawt CD. Took the photo today, I think Alexander looks cute, yet sad in this, his father and most people who have seen it have said it makes them sad - that was not my intention, scrapping is about life, and this happens in life! I quite like how this layout turned out. Not often I see my happy boy crying :)


Blogger NellieRose said...

Excellent....i love seeing reality in are so right, sadness is a part of life and actually also the reason we have happiness...if there was no sadness, happiness would not exist.

Day after day we look at all these scrap pages (mine included) and see what appears to represent some sort of "perfection"; I refuse to believe all these scrappers are living the perfectly shiny, happy lives their LO's represent...I just refuse. Maybe their lives are not a complete disaster but the LO's would have you believe we live in Disney or some Eutopia....I want to see the window that has noseprints from the dog or the garbage bag that just never stays attached to the trashcan, or the toothpaste in te sink.....that's life! LOL

7/14/2005 03:21:00 am


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