Wednesday, June 15, 2005

I Worked It Out!

I have been feeling really down lately! Tried, snappy, unhappy, like something is wrong but not knowing what! No its not me getting my period either hehe. It is the fact that I had my last upclose personal cuddle with my baby boy at 6.20 am Friday the Third of June 2005!!!! After that I went to hopsital to have my gallbladder out. Since then I have not been able to pick up my son. Since then I have not been able to feed my son without a pillow between us. Since then I have not been able to be as close to my baby son as normal. He and I are both very cuddly with each other. I still get my cuddles, from the side, no skin on skin contact, no legs wrapped around my waits, no more bug hugs as I call them. It is depressing me! Completly!! I thought it was 2 weeks before I could pick him up, which woud have only been 2 more days to go. I was excited. I really was. UNTIL I read the bloody stupid thing from the doctor, 3 weeks, yes 3 long drawn out freaking weeks. So that makes it 1 more week and 2 days, or 9 days in total until i can cuddle my baby again. It is a little different with the bigger kids, we cuddle, we kiss, we have that contact. But not with the baby, it sucks seeing your son crying his little eyes out just for mummy to pick him up. Now when he wants me he walks over to the lounge, pats it and says mummy or mummy tittie, which is cute in one way and totally heart breaking in another. Everyone else in the house has to do things for me, I can't even lift a load of washing!!!! Depressing :(


Blogger DebF said...

I hear ya, hun. Hang in there.

6/16/2005 07:43:00 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awww...poor little guy and poor mum too. Such a sweet, sad story. Don't fret'll be lifting him soon (unfortunately you'll be lifting laundry soon too!) Hang in there my down under bud!

6/17/2005 01:01:00 am


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