Monday, January 23, 2006

We are home! yayyyyyyyyyy.

Monday, January 02, 2006

AWAY UNTIL FEBRUARY We are off on a family holiday on Friday the 6th, until the end of January, then when we get back we have to get the kids ready for school :). We will be visiting Phil's family and our friends while we are away, we are going to Sydney. I am really looking forward to seeing everyone again. Scrap Happy Studio store front is down, I don't know why and will look into it when I get back. Have a great January everyone.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! We went down to the beach to see the fireworks for the little ones at 7:30pm and they were not too bad, the midnight fireworks are going off now, but I am too short to see them from where we live LOL. Hope you all have a great 2006 :)